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Imaging System for Embryos and Cells

Imaging System for Embryos and Cells
Imaging System for Embryos and Cellsafterbefore
  • Adding Oosight™ to your lab can improve success by giving you a quantitative and reproducible method to measure biological disruption in either fresh or previously frozen oocytes. You can now select oocytes for ICSI and embryos for implantation, and use the system to help improve enucleation efficiency.
  • Understanding the oocyte is critical to understanding embryogenesis, and studies show that a disrupted spindle apparatus or a weakened zona pellucida in the oocyte can yield lower pregnancy rates. In fact, it has been shown that pregnancy is up to 8 times more likely when the inner zona pellucida is well-ordered.
  • Hamilton throne’s unique and patented solid-state, liquid crystal technology is an easy add-on to your ICSI workstation. Oosight software runs on your computer to capture, display, and analyze your images. Snap an image and click a button to report the data. Meaningful data on molecular order within the sample are organized into an intuitive, exportable report. It’s really that simple.



  • During ICSI there is no damage to the chromosomes.
  • It makes it possible to see the concentration in an orderly manner, thereby it increases the chances of the oocyte to be normal.
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