1. Catalogue
  2. Medium
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  4. Handling

Origio Handling

Origio Handling

ORIGIO Handling is a modern, ready-to-use handling medium with a dual buffer (HEPES/MOPS) thatmeets the need for stable pH level outside of the incubator on a broad range of ART procedures.

  • HEPES and MOPS, bicarbonate buffered – optimized external pH buffer capacity.
  • Essential amino acids – support optimal oocyte viability/development.
  • Vitamins – act as antioxidants to reduce cellular stress.
  • Can be applied to a broad range of ART procedures – versatile and multiple usage for simplified laboratory protocols.
  • Physiological composition in line with ORIGIO Sequential Fert – complementary to the ORIGIOSequential Series.
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